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CG Web Solutions Web Site stats:

Visits Graph (Google Analytics) - updated 2/19/09:

screen shot of CG Web Solutions Visits from Google Analytics

Page Views Graph (Google Analytics) - updated 2/19/09:

screen shot of CG Web Solutions Page Views from Google Analytics

This site consistently ranks in the top 5 with Google searches for 'eBay templates' AND 'free eBay templates'.

Get 50% more impressions act now!

Ad Package Cost Duration Type
5,000 7,500 Impressions   [?] $15 7,500 Imps Text w/ link OR 150px X 100px img
10,000 15,000 Impressions  [?] $25 15,000 Imps Text w/ link OR 150px X 100px img
50,000 75,000 Impressions  [?] $100 75,000 Imps Text w/ link OR 150px X 100px img
100,000 150,000 Impressions [?] $150 150,000 Imps Text w/ link OR 150px X 100px img

Region  Visitors / mo   Page Views / mo 
USA 5,086 18,665
AUS 1,105 5,304
UK 579 1,308
Others 1,675 3,436
Total 8,445 /mo 28,713 /mo
Average: 282 /day 957 /day

Region Graph (Google Analytics) - updated 2/19/09:

screen shot of CG Web Solutions Region visits from Google Analytics

Where will your ad be?
    It will show down the right-hand side of most of our pages. It will be displayed before any Google ads and will be very visible to all of our visitors.

You will be able to view all Impressions and clicks via your CG Web Solutions account..

All ad request must be approved by CG Web Solutions. Once approved you will receive an email w/ payment instructions. Once payment is confirmed your ad will be live. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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